Orthopedic Treatment

Orthopedic Physical Therapy in Jacksonville, FL

Orthopedic physical therapy focuses on the treatment or rehabilitation of injuries to the orthopedic system, which includes muscles:

  • Bones
  • Joints
  • Tendons
  • Ligaments


An injury to a bone, joint, tendon, ligament, or muscle may cause pain, limited functional mobility, and loss of strength or range of motion. These issues may hold you back from normal work or play on a daily basis. The aim of orthopedic physical therapy is to help your injury heal properly and as quickly as possible, while also improving your strength, range of motion, and overall functional mobility.


After surgery, you may have specific limitations that your surgeon wants you to adhere to. Your orthopedic physical therapist can help guide you through your post-operative rehab program to get you back to your normal lifestyle quickly and safely.


Any condition that causes pain or limited functional mobility as a result of an injury to bony or soft tissue structures in your body may benefit from the skilled services of orthopedic physical therapy.


Techniques practiced by our physical therapists at Smart Body Physical Therapy include:

  • Manual therapy and massage for joints and soft tissues
  • Kinesiotaping
  • Core and stabilization training
  • Balance therapy
  • Posture training
  • Sports-specific training
  • Range of motion
  • Strengthening
  • Sonograms
  • Neuro-muscular electrical stimulation


If you have had orthopedic surgery or have suffered a musculoskeletal injury, you most likely will benefit from physical therapy. Although physical therapy referrals are not needed for the first 21 days of care in the state of Florida, you may want to ask your medical provider for a physical therapist who has a known orthopedic treatment track record.

We treat physically-active patients and athletes for all types of orthopedic and sports injuries. Some examples of chronic pain and injuries that are appropriate for orthopedic treatment through physical therapy include:

  • Neck, mid-back and low back pain
  • Shoulder, elbow and wrist pain
  • Hip, knee and ankle pain
  • Hand and foot pain
  • Chronic headaches or migraines
  • Post-surgical rehabilitation: rotator cuff repairs, ACL injuries, Meniscus tears, Spinal fusions and more.
  • Our patients the latest in rehabilitation techniques including manual therapy techniques at one-on-one appointments, so all of our experienced energy is focused on you during your time at Smart Body PT! Your treatment plan will be based on your trouble areas, your goals, and our expertise in getting you back to feeling like you again.
Smart Body PT